It is not being paralyzed and in a wheelchair, but rather being self-reliant, that makes someone a cripple in God’s eyes.
When I am self-reliant, I am telling God by my actions (that speak louder than words,) “God, I don’t need your grace. I don’t need your undeserved kindness.” But the reality is that if I am to produce the fruits, (Joh 15:5) that is do the works, (Eph 2:10) I was created to do in the body of Christ, I must be reliant on our head, Jesus Christ. (Eph 4:15-16) He is the one who uses and cares for his body by providing for and protecting it. Joh 17:9, 12, 15, 22
Just as I cannot manufacture a single vitamin, amino acid, or element that my body needs to be healthy and functional, neither can I make what I need to be spiritually healthy and functional. I need love, faith, and hope, (1 Cor 13:13) among other things. But if I don’t rely on God who is love, (1 Joh 4:8) and Jesus who is the author and perfecter of my faith, (Heb 12:2a) and their holy spirit by means of which I have hope, (Rom 15:13) I remain a spiritual cripple capable of contributing very little to the body of Christ and God’s kingdom.
In the day of judgment I want to be among the trees that have born good fruit, (Mat 7:17) rather than those to whom Jesus says, “I never knew you! Get away from me you workers of lawlessness!” Mat 7:23
“Lord, open the eyes of my heart (Eph 1:18) to see clearly how dependent on you I really am. Teach me to fix my eyes on you (Heb 12:2) so that your light shines through me, (Joh 8:12; Mat 5:14) and my neighbors (Mat 22:39) can be drawn into the loving arms of our Father.” Luk 15:13, 18, 20
All scriptural references are from the New King James Version.
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