The vision for this website is to provide a gathering place for Christians whose primary aim in life is to be God-centered, and thereby hallow his name.
There are those among us whose focal point in life is already 90% God. But, for most of us we’re somewhere along the journey of becoming more mature, more focused.
As members of the body of Christ, we bring to this forum a diversity of talents. Some are evangelizers, other administrators, there are also teachers, comforters, and men and women whose gift is making money. There are nutritionists and healers, and those whose passion is physical fitness. There are those who dig deeply into scripture, and those whose passions lie elsewhere.
But what we all have in common is this desire to be God-centered and to hallow God’s name, to reveal His spirit through what we say, and do, and how we do it; in other words to let His light shine through us.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” He also identified Himself as: “The way, the Truth, and the Life,” as wells as “the Good Shepherd.” Additionally, He invites us to, “Come to me all you who are toiling and loaded down, and you will find refreshment for your souls. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me.” He’s inviting us to let Him abide in us so that He can teach us how to abide in Him; He can thus conform us to His image, and thereby glorify His and our Father, His and our God.
He can do that as we share with one another our lives and our experiences of Christ working through us. This sharing, along with regular Bible reading, and prayer is how we get to know God better. For as Jesus put it, “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of You and the one whom You sent forth, Jesus Christ.”
He also prayed, “May they all be one, as You Father are in Me, and I am in You, may they also be one in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent me.”
That’s the primary objective of this website – to develop a community that glorifies God by letting Christ teach us how to live and work harmoniously together. Isn’t that the way Christ’s body should work – all of its parts under His headship/ His control?
As we, each of us, take His yoke upon our shoulders and learn to work with Him, we almost automatically learn to work in synch with one another. This produces a harmony that is in contrast to the world’s discord, and is attractive to those who have a hunger for peace.
We become God-centered by letting Christ live in us; for He was God-centered. As we get better at following the voice of our Shepherd we vindicate God’s name (His reputation,) of the slander perpetrated by Satan the devil, who resists God’s nature and will.
Let’s you and I prove God to be True, Caring, Wise, and Powerful by letting Christ’s light shine through us, and thereby hallow God’s name.
Hallow God’s name by looking like Him
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