With my hand over my heart I pray,
Thank You God for opening the way for me to love You with my whole heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself.
Thank You Jesus for allowing me to come under Your yoke and work with You to accomplish our Father’s will.
Thank You for the challenges that teach me to lean on You and Your spirit rather than myself.
And thank You for opening the eyes of my heart to see that God is our Father, and that You are our king. It is to You that I bend my knee, and pledge my everlasting allegiance.
So let it be. Amen.
I Surrender (Amplified)
With my hand over my heart, I pray,
Thank You God for opening the way (by means of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice) for me to love You (to be one with You) with
my whole heart (to care only about what You care about,)
my mind (to know only Your truth,)
my soul (my choices, decisions, and commitments mirror Jesus’ choices, decisions, and commitments,) and
my strength (my body is Yours to use as You see fit,)
and my neighbor as myself (to care about my neighbor’s well-being as much as I do my own.)
Thank You Jesus for allowing me to come under Your yoke (to work with the best boss in the universe) and work with You to accomplish our Father’s will (the most important work in the universe,) that of our becoming the temple in which You and God dwell, the bride that will reign with You.
Thank You for the challenges that teach me to lean on You and Your spirit rather than myself.
And thank You for opening the eyes of my heart to see that God is our loving Father who provides for and protects us, and that You are our king to whom I, for one, bend my knee in service, and pledge my everlasting allegiance for the sake of Your name and pleasure.
So let it be. Amen.
I Surrender III
Thank You God for opening the way for me to love You with my whole being, and to love every human the same way – with my whole being.
Thank You for sanctifying the eyes of my heart so that I can watch You love us to life in abundance.
Thank You, Jesus, for teaching me to go over hurdles that I can only clear by reflecting Your nature.
And thank You, as well, for the privilege of working with You in implementing God’s will, mankind’s destiny, perfect harmony with Him.
So much goodness and generosity! This is why I am pledging my everlasting allegiance to You Jesus, and bending my knee to Your service. May my life be a pleasure to You as it glorifies Your name.
Let it be so. Amen and amen.
I Surrender IV
Thank You God for opening the way for me to love You with my whole being and my fellow humans the same way – with my whole being.
Thank You for sanctifying the eyes of my heart (cleansing my eyes of their selfishness and focusing them on Your promises and will,) so that I can appreciate Your loving us.
Thank You, Jesus, for teaching (giving me the courage, strength, and wisdom – your spirit) to face challenges that I can win only by believing, as You do, that with God all things are possible.
And thank You, as well, for the privilege of working with You in implementing God’s will for mankind’s destiny – our eventual perfect oneness with Him and with one another.
So much goodness and generosity! This is why I am pledging my everlasting allegiance to You, and bending my knee to Your service. May my life be a pleasure to You as it glorifies Your name.
Let it be so. Amen and amen.
Using this prayer, thank you!
You’re very welcome my brother.