We have three families:
1) we are members of the human family;
2) our family of origin; and
3) our spiritual family.
Adam was the head of the human family. We know how that turned out. Our fleshly father was the head of our blood family. You be the judge of how that turned out. And Jesus is the head of our spiritual family. And God has already promised us how that will turn out.
The point? Our spiritual family is the most important family we have. How are we treating our brothers and sisters? Are we pointing fingers, saying things like “You aren’t a Christian because you don’t believe in the trinity?” Are we creating divisions with our judgments? Jesus told his followers, “Don’t judge.” (Mt 7:1.) He also tells that we should love one another as He loved us. That’s how people will recognize that we are Christians. ( Joh 13:34) And lastly, in His final public prayer, Jesus said at Joh 17:20-21, that we should be living together harmoniously “so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.” Did you notice the reason Jesus said we should be one with one another? It is so that the world will see something they don’t have – unity.
That’s a very important way in which we are “a light to the world.” (Mat 5:14) Let’s shine, shall we?
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