Thank you, God, for opening our hearts to know you as our loving Father who cares about us, provides for and protects us, and for being our foundation, the very root of our stability. Thank you, Jesus, for being the blueprint within us that guides our thinking, doing, and being into true life. You are … Read More →
Let Your Light Shine
Christ is the door through which people must pass to be reconciled to our Father, God, the source of life. Joh 10:7; Rom 5:10-11; Joh 17:21; However, strangers to Christ won’t come to God through Him unless they can first see Him as the door to life. That’s why John 1:4 tells us that Jesus’ presence on … Read More →
I Surrender
With my hand over my heart I pray, Thank You God for opening the way for me to love You with my whole heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. Thank You Jesus for allowing me to come under Your yoke and work with You to accomplish our Father’s will. … Read More →
Pessimism or Optimism?
The dominant perspectives of the pessimist and optimist are demonstrated by the questions they ask (whether by words or actions.) Pessimist – “What are the potential dangers?” Optimist – “What are the potential opportunities?” There are extremes at both ends of this spectrum. The extreme pessimist is a skeptic who can hardly do anything because … Read More →
We Have Three Families
We have three families: 1) we are members of the human family; 2) our family of origin; and 3) our spiritual family. Adam was the head of the human family. We know how that turned out. Our fleshly father was the head of our blood family. You be the judge of how that turned out. … Read More →
Difficult Scriptural Passages
You provided three examples of scriptures that are hard to understand: God’s killing 70,000 Israelites when king David took a census; God’s commanding that all men, women, children, and even animals were to be killed as His children took over the Promised Land; and Jephthah’s “sacrifice of his own daughter on the altar of sacrifice.” … Read More →
Be the (sub)Master of Your Life
God told Adam and Eve to fill the earth and subdue it. (Gen 1:28) They were to rule their environment in a loving way. Their rule would be loving because until they disobeyed God, they were one with Him, and God is love. (1 Jn 4:8) So they couldn’t rule any other way. Today, we … Read More →
Happiness or Joy?
In receiving there may be happiness . But it is in genuinely volunteered service that there is true joy.
Are You Whole?
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He that remains in Me, and I in him, this one bears much fruit; because apart from Me you can do nothing at all.” Jn 15:5 If your life is filled with Jesus, you are whole. If not, you have an unfillable hole in your life. … Read More →
Look to Jesus
Look to Jesus for… LOVE ………………………DIRECTION ………………………WISDOM ………………………POWER LOVE To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and he leads them out. Jn 10:3 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Mt 10:30 And I also beg you, true yoke-fellow, help … Read More →
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